Get a technical solution for protection against dust explosions in boiler and CHP plant operation

Get a technical solution for protection against dust explosions in the storage and processing of combustible bulk materials

Get a technical solution to protect against dust explosions in the storage and processing of combustible bulk ingredients

Get a technical solution for protection against dust explosions in metal processing and metalworking

Protection against dust explosions during logging, sawmilling, wood drying, production of wood boards, plywood, chipboard, fibreboard, MDF, HDF, pellet, pulp, paper, cardboard

Protection against dust explosions in the process of production, storage, transportation, and processing of agricultural raw materials.
Protection against explosion of dust in factories, plants, power stations, and other industrial facilities.
ATEX.CENTER specialises in dust explosion protection for industrial plants and facilities from various fields:
- flour mills and sugar refineries;
- feed mills;
- breweries;
- enterprises for the processing and storage of grain, maize starch, etc;
- oil extraction plants;
- of chocolate and milk powder production;
- steel mills;
- coal-fired power plants;
- woodworking, furniture manufacturing.
ATEX.CENTER experts assess the risks in production, design and organise the installation of systems for protection against explosion of dust-air mixtures. We save our customers’ lives and material assets.
Do you want to protect your production?
Sign up for a consultation with our experts and we'll give you all the information you need about how we can help.
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